I’m a multi disciplinary designer, living in Cape Town, South Africa.
One part tech and two parts creative, I excel at figuring things out so they function and look polished.

Currently available for commissions: –
Contact me via email : cyrus.dv@gmail.com
Artwork , Motion design (video),
3D Renders, social network graphics, etc
Recently a Full-time Senior Creative at a large Creative Studio,
part of a Rich-Media team. In the Online Casino (iGaming) industry
( last 8.5 yrs)
Designing, Modelling, Animating, Texturing, Lighting, basic Rigging, Dynamic 3D simulations, Rendering, Compositing, Editing footage, Editing Sound – overall motion work, as well as web design and other miscellaneous design.
I started my career ~20 years ago in Johannesburg focusing on print and web design with the odd flash animation.
From redrawing logos in Macromedia freehand, plotting brochures in Quark, photo retouching and webdesign in Adobe Photoshop, to
front-end webs in Visual Studio and Dreamweaver
(Code-view HTML + CSS + jQuery) —
to motion work in After Effects, (Explainer videos, brand stings, corporate ID, recruitment videos etc ), —
engineering/construction and patent diagrams in 3D.
I have quite a broad set of skills and experience.

I studied 3D Animation + Multimedia back in 2001.
(3DMax3 , Flash5 , Photoshop 5 , Premier, Freehand, Java, Director) – Since then the tools have changed a lot but the passion is still strong.
My 3D journey has taken me from 3D Studio Max 3, Bryce, Vue, Maya, Cinema4D and now to Blender. I moved to Blender from C4D with the 2.8 release and haven’t looked back – I am officially hooked on Blender.
Constantly learning new techniques and software –
I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge

My presence on social networks below: